Продовжимо. Прокинулись, поснідали і вирушили до найближчої заправки з парковкою. Там зняли вєліки і помчали до центру міста. Проїхавши декілька кварталів ми зрозуміли, шо шось не тойво, безліч молоді, всі з однаковими заплічниками і прапорами різних країн, всяке буває, подумав я і ми рушили далі. Та вже скоро ми зустріли групу з нашим прапором, яка пояснила нам шо ж тут діється. Виявляється сьогодні всесвітній день молоді, і в Краків з`їхалося біля трьох мільйонів людей. Наші земляки взагалі не зрозуміли як ми сюди потрапили, адже всі в`їзди до міста перекриті, а я одразу згадав пустий автобан))) Спокійно погуляти містом не вийшло, тож ми трохи пофоткали, з`їли ковбаси місцевої, послухали джаз, і вирушили до машини. Та дорогу нам перекрила поліція, згодом ми побачили кортеж і винуватця - ПАПУ Франциска. Втомившись, вирушаємо негайно їхати в гори, агов Татри, ми до вас!
So, let`s continue. After we woke uk and had breakfast, we left for the nearest das station with parking. There we took our bikes off the car and rushed to the city center.Having biked a couple of blocks, we realized that there`s something going on - lots of young folks, all with same backpacks and flags of diferent countries. Well, you know, all kinds of things happen in this world - so whatever, thought i and we continued our trip. Soon we met a group of people with the flag of our country and they explained us what was happening. Turned out, it was International Youth Day and approximately 3 million people went to Krakow to celebrate. Our fellow countrymen couldn`t even fathom out how we were able to get there since all the entries were closed(here i remembered the empty highway :) )
We weren`t able to quietly roam around the city, so we took some photos, ate local sausage, listened to jazz and headed back to our car. But the road was blocked by the police and soon xe saw the procession and the hero of occasion - POPE Francis. Being tired, we decided to head to the mountains. Hey, Tatra, we`re coming!
So, let`s continue. After we woke uk and had breakfast, we left for the nearest das station with parking. There we took our bikes off the car and rushed to the city center.Having biked a couple of blocks, we realized that there`s something going on - lots of young folks, all with same backpacks and flags of diferent countries. Well, you know, all kinds of things happen in this world - so whatever, thought i and we continued our trip. Soon we met a group of people with the flag of our country and they explained us what was happening. Turned out, it was International Youth Day and approximately 3 million people went to Krakow to celebrate. Our fellow countrymen couldn`t even fathom out how we were able to get there since all the entries were closed(here i remembered the empty highway :) )
We weren`t able to quietly roam around the city, so we took some photos, ate local sausage, listened to jazz and headed back to our car. But the road was blocked by the police and soon xe saw the procession and the hero of occasion - POPE Francis. Being tired, we decided to head to the mountains. Hey, Tatra, we`re coming!
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